So long and thanks for all the fish!

(pirate laugh)
(pirate laugh)

It’s that time again. Time to pack all my toys in my duffle bag and fly across the map. All to play in the water, chasing different fish, not better fish. Maybe I’ll dive under a waterfall and count the red spots of an obese brown trout who’s been suspended in the cut for years, fat and happy on whatever the plunge brings. Maybe I’ll paddle my little red canoe through the lilies, play poker with bullfrogs, catch a pumpkinseed and hopefully see some fire flies. Yep, I will do just that – then I’ll head down south and bake in the mangroves (in my other little red boat) try not to lose a toe to a hungry Pompano. Had a hard time leaving that last go around, all the mo’ sweeter to return. I’ll be back, God willin’ if the creek don’t rise up and take me away!

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